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PCI in LA Times over EIA Monterey shale downgrade

May 20, 2014

drilling-california-300Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes was quoted in the LA Times as the EIA downgraded estimate for Monterey shale oil production by 96%.

From the article:

“The narrative of fracking in the Monterey Shale as necessary for energy independence just had a big hole blown in it,” said Seth B. Shonkoff, executive director of the nonprofit Physicians Scientists & Engineers for Healthy Energy.

J. David Hughes, a geoscientist and spokesman for the nonprofit Post Carbon Institute, said the Monterey formation “was always mythical mother lode puffed up by the oil industry — it never existed.”

Hughes wrote in a report last year that “California should consider its economic and energy future in the absence of an oil production boom from the Monterey Shale.”

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