Hughes report in High Country News
November 11, 2014
Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes’ report for PCI Drilling Deeper: A Reality Check on US Government Forecasts For a Lasting Tight Oil and Shale Gas Boom was featured in this article on the Western US oil booms.
From the article:
Last month, Hughes released “Drilling Deeper,” a report he authored for Santa Rosa-based Post Carbon Institute, scrutinizing the U.S.’s two largest oil booms in the Bakken and Eagle Ford fields. By examining industry data, Hughes projects that the booms in both fields will peak before 2020 and, by 2040, will be producing at a tiny fraction of their current levels. “[If] the future of U.S. oil and natural gas production depends on resources in the country’s deep shale deposits, as the Energy Department contends, we are in for a big disappointment in the longer term,” Hughes said in a press release.