Hughes LNG op-ed in the Vancouver Sun
July 17, 2015
Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes’ op ed on the prospects for a liquid natural gas export bonanza in Canada was published in the Vancouver Sun.
From the article:
READ FULL ARTICLEThe fact the B.C. government is grossly exaggerating the amount of gas available in northeast B.C. can probably be written off to boosterism, trying to make B.C. look as good as possible and deflect questions from the public.
Given the choice between touting in-place resources and much smaller recoverable resources, the government went with bigger is better, even though the number is meaningless in terms of available supply, and failed to mention any caveats.
My report presented some hard facts on what would be required to meet the LNG export plans touted by the B.C. government, and it is unfortunate Coleman responded only with exaggerations of the size of B.C.’s gas supply.