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Heinberg op-ed on shale gas at the Christian Science Monitor

October 23, 2013

snake-oil-300Post Carbon Fellow and author of Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future, Richard Heinberg, had an op-ed published at the Christian Science Monitor.

From the post:

Americans are being subjected to a massive public relations assault attempting to persuade them that “fracking” for natural gas and oil is the key to America’s energy future and that this change will free them forever from the bondage of oil imports.

What has really changed is the nation’s energy conversation. Until recently, it was about how the United States should reduce its dependency on climate-changing fossil fuels. Now the “conversation” has become a harangue about the energy, jobs, and tax revenues the industry insists will flow from fracking and how these outweigh environmental concerns.

The data do not adequately support these claims. Though the fracking revolution is only a few years old, it’s already losing steam. There are several reasons why.

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