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PCI Monterey Shale report at Smart Planet

David Hughes

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes report Drilling California on the Monterey Shale was reviewed by Chris Nelder at Smart Planet. From the article: The bottom line from Hughes’ analysis is stark. Where the USC study estimated that 4,112 wells...

PCI and Hughes in USA Today

David Hughes

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes was quoted in an article at USA Today about fracking. From the article: Many wells behind the energy gush are quickly losing productivity, and some areas could hit peak levels sooner than the U.S....

Hughes report quoted at Science Daily

David Hughes

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes’ report Drill Baby Drill? was quoted in this article on scientists reservations about the future prospects for shale oil and gas. From the article: “The many trends of declining EROIs suggest that depletion and...

Hughes quoted in the Baltic Review

David Hughes

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes work on the US shale boom was reported in this article at Baltic Review. From the article: David Hughes, a geoscientist and former team leader on unconventional gas for the Canadian Potential Gas Committee,...

Hughes quoted at Bloomberg on fracking

David Hughes

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes was quoted in this article which questions the shale boom. David Hughes wrote the PCI report Drill Baby Drill: Can Unconventional Fuels Usher in a New Era of Energy Abundance. From the article: Whether...