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Hughes quoted at Global Research

David Hughes

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes was quoted in this article on replacing Russian gas with US shale gas. From the article: A useful summary of the shale gas illusion comes from a recent analysis of the actual results of...

Hughes quoted at Vox

David Hughes

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes Drill Baby Drill? report was quoted this article on the prospects for US oil independence. From the article: But how likely is this? As the EIA explains at length here, you need to lay on a...

Hughes quoted in article on Marcellus shale

David Hughes

Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes was quoted in this article at E&E looking at improvements in well efficiency in the Marcellus shale. From the article: “The Marcellus has become a monster,” Thomas Driscoll, an analyst with Barclays Capital Inc.,...

McKibben takes on LNG at Politico

Bill McKibben

Post Carbon Institute Fellow Bill McKibben wrote this op-ed against the proposed Cove Point LNG plant with Mike Tidwell. From the article: Simply put, this gas needs to stay in the ground. If it’s dug up and exported, it...

Drilling California cited in San Jose Mercury

David Hughes

Post Carbon Institute’s report by Fellow David Hughes, Drilling California: A Reality Check on the Monterey Shale, was cited in this article on rethinking fracking in California. From the article: A recent report, “Drilling California,” reveals that the economic...