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Is Urban Sustainability Possible?

William Rees

William Rees gave one of the Keynote Speeches for Day 2 of the Dresden Nexus Conference 2015 (DNC2015), which took place 26 March 2015 in Dresden, Germany. His speech, entitled “Is Urban Sustainability Possible? Biophysical and Political Considerations”, aims...

Transitions Beyond the Consumer Society

William Rees

Post Carbon Fellow Bill Rees will be among the keynote speakers at The Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative second international conference, “Transitions Beyond a Consumer Society”. Other keynote speakers include Dr. John Ehrenfeld, Dr. Giorgos Kallis and Professor...

Economics vs. the Economy

William Rees

Economic theories, though social constructions, can reflect reality to varying degrees. In the face of dire environmental challenges, adopting a realistic theory is key to the survival of global civilization. The neoliberal emphasis on limitless growth and monetary flows,...

Sustainability vs. Resilience

William Rees

This is a response to the article The End of Sustainability. William E. Rees is the co-creator of the Eco-Footprint concept and a Post Carbon Fellow. He authored the The Human Nature of Unsustainability, and Thinking Resilience chapters of...

Rees quote on economy at Vancouver 24hrs

William Rees

Post Carbon Fellow Bill Rees was quoted in this article on growing wealth inequality at Vancouver 24hr news. From the article: The better way to get people working, according to Rees, is retrofitting buildings, cars and appliances to be...

The Human Nature of Unsustainability

William Rees

Humans may pride themselves as being the best evidence for intelligent life on Earth, but an alien observer would record that the (un)sustainability conundrum has the global community floundering in a swamp of cognitive dissonance and collective denial...

Thinking “Resilience”

William Rees

The bottom line for sustainability is that any proposal for sustainable development that does not explicitly acknowledge a system’s resilience is simply not going to keep delivering the goods (or services). Resilience science is based on the simple premise...