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The Serious Challenge of Our Time

Wes Jackson

This is the text of Wes Jackson’s Commencement Address at University of Kansas, from Sunday, May 19, 2013 Chancellor Gray-Little, faculty, fellow honorees, members of the board of regents. And now I come to the family members; sacrifices have...

Five Carbon Pools

Wes Jackson

The invention of agriculture ten millennia ago was the first step towards the current problem of climate change. Humans then began a way of life that would exploit the first of five relatively nonrenewable pools of energy-rich carbon–soil. Trees,...

Forever Planting (for Peak Oil & Climate Change)

Wes Jackson

Credit: Radio Ecoshock | Download We depend utterly on fossil fuels, especially to grow our food. From natural gas comes the millions of tons of fertilizers. Oil provides herbicides and pesticides. All is planted and harvested with oil power, driven, shipped or...