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The End of Growth (Updated eBook)

Richard Heinberg

In The End of Growth, published in September 2011, Richard Heinberg, made the observation that world economic expansion, which has been barreling along for the past few decades, is now stalling. The book further claimed that this is not...

Top 11 FAQs

Richard Heinberg

I’ve been giving lectures on Peak Oil for over a decade now, and always look forward to the question period after the main show. It’s an opportunity to interact with the audience, and to see where my presentation may...

What Is Sustainability?

Richard Heinberg

As a contribution to this ongoing refinement of the concept, I recently formulated five axioms (self-evident truths) of sustainability. My goal was simply to distill ideas that had been proposed previously and put them into a concise, easy-to-understand form....

The Fight of the Century

Richard Heinberg

As economies contract, a global popular uprising confronts power elites over access to the essentials of human existence. What are the underlying dynamics of the conflict, and how is it likely to play out?   1. Prologue   As...

Richard Heinberg on the Majority Report

Richard Heinberg

Credit: Majority Report | Download An interview with Richard Heinberg, author of The End of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic Reality. Cheap fuel,the engine that propelled the last 70 years of economic growth is no more. Interview begins at...