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Preface to the Romanian edition of Snake Oil

Richard Heinberg

Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future has been translated into Romanian! Here’s the preface Richard Heinberg wrote for that edition. ***In the United States, fracking is widely regarded as the biggest energy development in decades, a...

Krugman Goes Splat

Richard Heinberg

I was fairly amazed to read Paul Krugman’s latest op-ed in the New York Times, titled “A Permanent Slump?” He seemed to be coming remarkably close to saying what several of us have been trumpeting for the past few...

The Climate-PR Puzzle

Richard Heinberg

If we hope to avert climate apocalypse in the decades ahead, we must make fundamental changes to industrial society. Before those changes can be approved and implemented, citizens and policy makers must first come to understand they are essential...

Richard Heinberg talks Snake Oil

Richard Heinberg

 Credit: The many shades of green | Download Like traveling medicine men in the old west, oil and gas companies are trying to sell us their panacea for our future energy needs. My guest Richard Heinberg, author of the book Snake...