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Paul Krugman’s Errors and Omissions

Richard Heinberg

In a New York Times op-ed published September 18 titled “Errors and Emissions,” economist-columnist Paul Krugman took a swipe at my organization, Post Carbon Institute, lumping us together with the Koch brothers as purveyors of “climate despair.” No, the...

Why Peak Oil Refuses to Die

Richard Heinberg

Perhaps you’ve seen one of the recent barrage of articles claiming that fears of an imminent peak and decline in world oil production have either been dispelled (because we actually have plenty of oil) or are misplaced (because climate...

iSEE Congress 2014

Richard Heinberg

Post Carbon Senior Fellow Richard Heinberg will give a keynote at the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) Congress on  “Feeding 9 Billion: A Path to Sustainable Agriculture,” which will emphasize the critical role that technology and policy can...

Blame the Environmentalists

Richard Heinberg

Here’s The Script, in four despicable acts: Act 1. Fracking boom goes bust as production from shale gas and tight oil wells stalls out and lurches into decline. Act 2. Oil and gas industry loudly blames anti-fracking environmentalists and...

Two Realities

Richard Heinberg

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. –Robert Frost   Our contemporary world is host to two coexisting but fundamentally different—and, in at least...

Bottom Up, Top Down

Richard Heinberg

Those of us who have some grasp of the urgent dilemmas posed by climate change and peak oil face a terrible conundrum. The whole system of industrial civilization is moving toward collapse. How can we reverse course to avert...