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Transition US National Gathering

Richard Heinberg

PCI Fellow Richard Heinberg will be opening the Transition US National Gathering with his keynote address “Transition in the Age of Denial”. From Thursday, July 27 through Tuesday, August 1, some 250 Transition Town movement leaders and fellow resilience...

Think Resilience Chapter 5: Pollution

Richard Heinberg

In nature, waste from one organism is food for another. However, that principle sometimes breaks down and waste becomes poison. Humans aren’t the only possible sources of environmental pollution. But these days the vast majority of pollution does come...

Think Resilience Chapter 4: Depletion

Richard Heinberg

Post Carbon Institute Senior Fellow Richard Heinberg sat down to deliver a 22-chapter lecture series entitled “Think Resilience: Preparing Communities for the Rest of the 21st Century,” which explores how communities can build resilience in the face of our...