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Old Age and Societal Decline

Richard Heinberg

People grow old and die. Civilizations eventually fail. For centuries amateur philosophers have used the former as a metaphor for the latter, leading to a few useful insights and just as many misleading generalizations. The comparison becomes more immediately...

Heinberg interview on HEAL Utah

Richard Heinberg

Post Carbon Fellow joined Matt Pacenza for Episode 104 of the HEAL Utah podcast. Richard talks first about peak oil, a once popular theory about diminishing fossil fuel reserves which he believes will again soon rear its head, despite...

Post-Carbon Music

Richard Heinberg

Over the next few minutes I hope to share with you a little of what I’ve learned about the likely trajectory of industrial society for the remainder of this century, and some speculations about the possible role of music...

Burned-out cars and charred homes cover the landscape in Santa Rosa on Oct. 14, 2017, after the wildfires that spread across Sonoma County, California (Army National Guard photos by Capt. Will Martin/Released).

Learning Resiliency from Disaster

Richard Heinberg

Hosted by: Barbara Bernstein, Locus Focus by KBOO On October 16 Richard Heinberg, Senior Fellow of the Post Carbon Institute, was scheduled to come on this show to talk about a controversy that was raging over how to reach a 100%...