Post Carbon Fellow Michael Shuman called out as an innovator in this article on local investment. From the article: Michael Shuman is another author and innovator recently in Colorado Springs to talk about how to shift more investor capital from...
Post Carbon Fellow Michael Shuman spoke about the unfair investment rules which stifle local business. From the article: Michael H. Shuman said economic paternalism, or fiscal segregation, is unfairly blocking economic growth and opportunities. The economist/author/lawyer, who will be...
PCI Board Member Jenny Kassan and Fellow Michael Shuman were quoted in this Wall Street Journal article on local investment. From the article: “It just keeps so much more wealth in the community than a typical arrangement with a...
Originally posted at Solutions Journal. Solutions invited two pioneers in local and regional economic development to discuss new trends in sustainable communities. MH: Michael Shuman GA: Gar Alperovitz MS: Economic development currently counsels communities across the planet to attract...
Post Carbon Fellow Michael Shuman’s book Local Dollars, Local Sense was reviewd at Greenbiz. The book is part of PCIs Resilience Guide series. From the review: Shuman’s new book, “Local Dollars, Local Sense,” lays out a powerful case for...
The Extraenvironmentalist On Extraenvironmentalist #77 we talk about developing an investment paradigm for the future that’s rooted in local business and healthy food, first with Michael Shuman of Cutting Edge Capital and author of Local Dollars, Local Sense: How...
We last spoke to Michael Shuman just over three years ago. He is author of several books on local economic development, the most recent being Local Dollars, Local Sense. He is an attorney, an economist, and his current job...
Post Carbon Fellow Michael Shuman’s PCI Resilience Guide, Local Dollars, Local Sense, was reviewed at Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire. From the article: Shuman’s book details several ways to jumpstart the local investment trend. First on his list: cooperatives. That’s...
Credit: Peak Prosperity | Download The Federal Reserve and other central planners have worked overtime to lead the world back to “recovery” from the depths of the 2008 financial crisis. Using one of their main signaling indicators, they’ve succeeded: stock market indices are...
Post Carbon Fellow and Local Dollars Local Sense author, Michael Shuman, fired up the people of Lillooet, British Colombia with his recent talk on supporting local business. From the article: Shuman told his Lillooet audience Feb. 27: “It’s a...