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Our Renewable Future

David Fridley

Several of the country’s leading energy analysts and environmental organizations have formulated plans for transitioning to 100% renewable energy. The fascinating new book, Our Renewable Future, gathers and assesses the viability of those plans. Join the book’s authors David...

Green Dreams – Future or Fantasy?

David Fridley

Download UK guest host Greg Moffitt from Legalise-Freedom.com interviews scientist David Fridley, from Berkeley National Lab and the Post-Carbon Institute. We will switch away from fossil fuels sooner or later, because they will run out. If it’s later, our kids get...

Alternative Energy Challenges

David Fridley

Alternative energy depends heavily on engineered equipment and infrastructure for capture or conversion. However, the full supply chain for alternative energy, from raw materials to manufacturing, is still very dependent on fossil fuel energy. The various obstacles to alternative...

The End of Cheap Coal

David Fridley Richard Heinberg

World energy policy is gripped by a fallacy — the idea that coal is destined to stay cheap for decades to come. This assumption supports investment in ‘clean-coal’ technology and trumps serious efforts to increase energy conservation and develop...