Post Carbon Fellow Bill McKibben issued a ‘call to arms’ to fight climate change at Rolling Stone. From the article: This is an invitation, an invitation to come to New York City. An invitation to anyone who’d like to...
: Monday saw the release of the latest climate report from the planet’s scientists. Predictions of famine, flood, and so on – mostly what we already knew, in even more striking language. But Monday also saw the release of another document...
Post Carbon Fellow Bill McKibben’s article on the lack of real action on climate change was published at msnbc. From the article: The last few weeks have been a rhetorical high-water mark for climate concern. The trouble is, they’ve...
“Agriculture is the oldest environmental problem,” the Land Institute’s Wes Jackson tells us early in this 27-minute video. Through interviews with 11 scientists, researchers and environmental experts, this short documentary considers that fate of agriculture and the environment in...
Post Carbon Fellows David Hughes and Bill McKibben were both featured in the New York Times Room for Debate on the Keystone XL pipeline. From the debate: Hughes: Keystone XL is the right issue for environmental groups like
Post Carbon Fellow Bill McKibben was interviewed by Bill Moyers following the recent release of an environmental impact study on the impacts of Keystone XL by the State Department. From the interview: BILL MOYERS: You’re up against time as a...
Post Carbon Institute Fellow Bill McKibben wrote this op-ed against the proposed Cove Point LNG plant with Mike Tidwell. From the article: Simply put, this gas needs to stay in the ground. If it’s dug up and exported, it...
Post Carbon Fellow Bill McKibben assesses on President Obama’s climate legacy…so far at Rolling Stone. From the article: If you want to understand how people will remember the Obama climate legacy, a few facts tell the tale: By the...
Interview by Adam Ramsey, Open Democracy Leading American climate change activist and founder of Bill McKibbon calls for environmentalists to get on the front foot ahead of his European speaker tour. Journalist and author Bill McKibben is...
As the battle over the Keystone XL pipeline has worn on — and it’s now well over two years old — it’s illuminated the Obama presidency like no other issue. It offers the president not just a choice of policies, but...