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Paper-Thin Resources

Asher Miller

We at Post Carbon Institute have been talking recently about the Butterfly Effect, the theory that small changes in complex, dynamic systems can wind up having huge impacts. But I’ve also been thinking a lot specifically about Monarch butterflies....

David Hughes’ Shale Reality Check 2019

Asher Miller

1.9 million. 13 trillion. 10 billion. These are the numbers that jumped off the page when I read PCI Fellow David Hughes’s latest “shale reality check” report on the U.S. government’s forecasts of domestic oil and gas production. To...

Learning How to Talk

Asher Miller

The more I do this work, the less certain I am about anything. But there are a few things of which I’m convinced: The climate crisis, and the broader E4 crises of which it’s a (deadly) symptom, is the...

Corvallis Climate Justice Rally

Asher Miller

Asher Miller joined other local climate leaders in speaking at the Climate Justice Rally in Corvallis during the Global Climate Strike Week. My name’s Asher Miller. I’m the Executive Director of a nonprofit called Post Carbon Institute, which happens...

A sea change moment?

Asher Miller

Tomorrow begins Global Climate Strike Week, led by young people to demand urgent action to address the climate emergency. What many hope will be a sea change moment in the struggle to mobilize a real response to this existential...