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This #ProgrExit Starts with your Longing

Rob Hopkins

Nobody knows what the Brexit vote will mean for the UK.  People are reeling after a campaign marked by very poor quality debate, some deeply dangerous and divisive framing, a decision many didn’t really understand and an election where...

What if: ATMs issued local currencies?

Rob Hopkins

Banks.  We can’t live with them, we can’t live without them. Yet.  Much has been written about the role of banks in creating austerity, and coercing whole nations to dismantle and sell off public services and national assets, while being...

Nature’s Way: A Path to Ecological Agriculture

Wes Jackson

Modern industrial-scale agriculture has proven incompatible with the structure and function of natural systems. To reverse the abusive practices that are undermining the long-term health of the land, humans, and non-human species, a new agricultural paradigm that mimics rather...

Flying to the US: was it worth it?

Rob Hopkins

In October 2013, Peter Lipman and I travelled to the US, initially to be part of the Environmental Grantmakers’ Association annual retreat, but also to visit a number of Transition groups.  I had, at the time, not flown for...