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Snake Oil: Richard Heinberg at UBC

Richard Heinberg

Richard Heinberg speaks on his newest book Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future, covering the short-term nature of the recent North American oil boom and the financial bubble that supports it. Heinberg covers the...

America’s Feel-Good Oil Bonanza

Daniel Lerch

Think back to early 2004. Oil cost around $40 per barrel1—on the high side compared to the previous few decades but not much out of the ordinary. Gasoline still cost under $2.00 a gallon for most of the country....

Shale gas, peak oil and our future

Richard Heinberg

The following interview with Richard Heinberg was originally published in Flemish at the Belgian website De Wereld Morgen. The interview was given in conjunction with the release of the Dutch translation of Richard’s Book Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False...