A California Trend Worth Catching: College for All
California can be an annoyingly trendy state. Think avocado toast, In-N-Out Burger, Hollywood fashion, even legal pot. But Californians are now in the vanguard to fix the serious problem of how to pay for public higher education. Over 44...
EIA: U.S. Energy Abundance for Now— But Don’t Peek Behind That Curtain!
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy is about to release its Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) 2018, with forecasts for American oil, gas, and other forms of energy production through mid-century. As usual, energy journalists...
As Climate Changes, We Need the Arts More than Ever
In tumultuous times, art can and must express the turmoil and help us process what’s going on.
Why Bitcoin’s Value Could Eventually Approach Zero
According to most observers, the speculative bubble-of-the-year award for 2017—had there been one—would have gone to Bitcoin, the value of which soared from under $800 in January of last year to almost $20,000 by mid-December. In fact, though, Ripple (a...
Energy, Money and Technology – From the Lens of the Superorganism
During Nate Hagens’ #WEP2018 keynote, he discussed how all of our lives will be influenced by how we react to the coming era of harder to extract and more costly fossil fuels that will be combined with cleaner but less...
Old Age and Societal Decline
People grow old and die. Civilizations eventually fail. For centuries amateur philosophers have used the former as a metaphor for the latter, leading to a few useful insights and just as many misleading generalizations. The comparison becomes more immediately...
How You Can Help Fix the Global Water Crisis
An interview with Sandra Postel by Elaina Zachos, National Geographic The average American directly uses about 2,000 gallons of water each day. Your morning shower takes 17 gallons of water and growing the coffee beans for your cup of joe...
Fossil fuel companies being called to account by New York City
Over the years, the capital of the fight against climate change has been Kyoto, or Paris – that’s where the symbolic political agreements to try and curb the earth’s greenhouse gas emissions have been negotiated and signed. But now,...
Heinberg interview on HEAL Utah
Post Carbon Fellow joined Matt Pacenza for Episode 104 of the HEAL Utah podcast. Richard talks first about peak oil, a once popular theory about diminishing fossil fuel reserves which he believes will again soon rear its head, despite...
Solar and Wind in Vermont with David Blittersdorf of All Earth Renewables
David Blittersdorf’s passion for renewable energy and earth-friendly technology started early. He built his first wind turbine at age 14 to light up the small shack where he boiled sap into maple syrup. After he got his driver’s license...