Living in the Concretaceous Period
While biologists have long agreed that humans are the dominant lifeform of the Anthropocene, some geologists now argue that, during the pivotal Concretaceous phase, it was the automobile that served as the true apex species.
Richard Heinberg on Our Bonus Decade – podcast
If you’re someone who’s curious about the geopolitical implications of carbon fuel and the ecological havoc it wreaks, you’ve probably come across some of Richard Heinberg‘s work.
The Big Picture
It is only by pulling together that we can hope to salvage and protect what is most intrinsically valuable about our world, and perhaps even improve lives over the long term.
Oil, Power and War – Foreword
The post below is the Foreword, written by Richard Heinberg, to Matthieu Auzanneau’s new book Oil, Power, and War: A Dark History published by Chelsea Green Publishing. For information on where to get hold of a copy see the...
Buy Nothing Ever…er, I Mean Day
Last year, Americans spent an estimated $5,000,000,000 shopping during the 24 hours that made up “Black Friday.” That’s over $208 million an hour or about $3.5 million a minute. I don’t have hard evidence for this claim, but my educated guess...
The Extinction Rebellion: A Tipping Point for the Climate Emergency?
The only rational response to the scientific evidence on climate change, is to declare a global emergency – to mobilise all of society to do whatever it takes to fix it. As the UN Secretary General Guterres recently stated: “We face...
My IPCC Take-away: Imagine. Take Action. Repeat.
Rob Hopkins looks at the impact of the most recent IPCC report through the lens of imagination.
The Secret of Eternal Growth? It’s Wishful Thinking
I want to believe in eternal economic growth. Given what humanity is facing with climate change and other consequences of our collective consumption, it must be awfully comforting to have faith in a cornucopian future where no one ever...
Our Bonus Decade
“The sense of security more frequently springs from habit than from conviction, and for this reason it often subsists after such a change in the conditions as might have been expected to suggest alarm. The lapse of time during...
Durable Goods
Ed. note: The post below is a transcription of Post Carbon Fellow Stephanie Mills’ remarks at the 50 year anniversary of the publication of the Whole Earth Catalog. Gratitude to Mother Earth, ground of being. Gratitude to Stewart and...