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Inauguration Day: Kicking Against the Prick(s)

Rob Hopkins

Rob Hopkins offers, through somewhat gritted teeth, some reflections on Donald Trump’s inauguration. Today is the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration as President of the United States.  That, for sure, is not a sentence I ever imagined these fingers...

A Good Day for a Walk in the Woods

Richard Heinberg

Not since the Civil War has an American presidential Inauguration Day been so fraught with fear and dread (on February 23, 1861, Abraham Lincoln traveled to his inauguration under military guard, arriving in Washington, D.C., in disguise). The incoming...

The Peak Oil President?

Richard Heinberg

The frequency of Internet searches for the term “peak oil” has waned dramatically in recent years; now even the number of articles announcing the “death” of peak oil has dwindled, so universal is the assumption that the concept is...

Fracking Follies

David Hughes

  The US Energy Information Administration, or EIA, regularly updates its estimates for how much oil and gas might be recovered in the future, and at what rate. With the application of new technology from year to year, those...

2016 Shale Reality Check: Web Presentation

David Hughes

In this recording, David Hughes, author of a series of groundbreaking reports analyzing the long-term prospects of the so-called “shale revolution” shares some of the key findings from his latest reports: The 2016 Shale Gas Reality Check and 2016...

In Conversation: Our Economy After Fossil Fuels

Rob Dietz

All economic activity entails energy usage. As our energy sources change, our economy will likely evolve and adapt—perhaps in surprising ways. The transition to 100% renewable energy raises profound questions for the future of our economy, including: Can capitalism as...