Hughes quoted in LA Times on Monterey shale - Post Carbon Institute
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Hughes quoted in LA Times on Monterey shale

April 6, 2014

drilling-california-300Post Carbon Fellow David Hughes, and author of the report Drilling California: A Reality Check on the Monterey Shale, was quoted in the LA times.

From the article:

David Hughes, a geoscientist at the Santa Rosa-based Post Carbon Institute, studied both the USC report and the federal data and then published his own assessment, which casts a skeptical eye on the rosy assumptions. His conclusion: “It’s not going to happen.”

Reviewing industry-generated data, Hughes said test wells in the Monterey so far have been expensive and unproductive.

“California oil production peaked in the early ’80s,” Hughes said. “It’s now down to half that. If the Monterey Shale can just maintain California’s production level — I would think that’s about all it could do.”

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