Throughout the year we invite our community to join us for thought-provoking conversations with inspiring speakers on a variety of topics. These webinars are designed to encourage you to take action in your own life to build more resilient and sustainable communities.
With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves. is a news site that feels like a cross between a community library—with space to read and think—and a vibrant café where you can meet people, discuss ideas, and discover tips for building resilience in your community.
As a nonprofit organization, we couldn’t do our work without the support of our generous community. Our team has accomplished a lot this year—despite the additional hardships everyone has faced—and we want to do even more in 2021.
We live in a time of tremendous political, environmental, and economic upheaval. What can we do? Think Resilience is an online course to help you start doing something about climate change and our other sustainability challenges—starting in your own community.